27.02.2016, 23:30

GRELLE FORELLE - Ricardo Villalobos | UMHO | TURBO | <><

Flyer für: GRELLE FORELLE - Ricardo Villalobos | UMHO | TURBO | <><
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Wir verlosen 2x2 Tickets für die Party. Postet euer lieblings Ricardo Villalobos Set, Track, Video, usw. ins Event rein um mitzumachen.


Ricardo Villalobos | Sei Es Drum | Perlon | CL
DJ Umho | Drumma | CL
Paul Walter | Meduka | AT


Lounge // Live Übertragung vom _MAIN



Alecante | Sunday Mornings | AT
Special Guests



"In this world and in the mind of Villalobos the DJ and producer lies a musical imagination that hasn’t just re-shaped what’s possible within the parameters of techno, but in the history of music. He remains utterly unique, so free of modern day restraints that he doesn’t even understand the concept of compromise." Welcome back.