16.08.2018, 17:00

FLEX - Beat It (Halle & Terrasse)

Flyer für: FLEX - Beat It (Halle & Terrasse)
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BEAT IT Sonnendeck @ FLEX Terrasse... free entry!
BEAT IT @ FLEX Halle... €5,- till midnight / €8,- afterwards

Sonnendeck (Flex Terrasse):
Mr. HighFi (Push4DnB)
Mac Delay (Team Disziplin)
Apsite (The Liquid Collective)
kaffee.schwarz. (The Liquid Collective)
Memory Effect (The Liquid Collective) B2B Lotus

Unics (Booyah)
Dj Lilith (Switch!)
Disturbo (Switch!)
Dismatic (Team Disziplin)
Flowbrow (IC:DrumandBass)
Heisenberg (Comrade DnB)
Escape (Brucklyn Records)
Delex B2B Rhodin Hood (Trauma Club)
Progress (Soulshake)
Apsite (The Liquid Collective)
Death the Kid (Voller Freude)

Hosts of the Night: MC Rhodin Hood, MC DB & MC Brix (Trauma Club)

Join us: Beat It @ Flex