25.01.2025, 23:00

FLUCC - SIN with Van der Wiese

Van der Wiese (live, 2 hours set)
TingelTangelTek (live)
Überdruck Soundsystem w/ Foatwenti3 x Apocalypz (live) & Tobi Darksky x Sportacore

Receiving blueprints of antigravity spaceships from the astral plane is in itself a difficult - if not impossible - undertaking. In the terrestrial sphere, however, there are always highly gifted mediums who are able to quickly write down the encrypted blueprints in ancient sumeric lingo, while being in a highly hypnotic state of clairvoyance. Whether the transmitted blueprint from the Sirius 23 star system can actually be executed is left to the 33° of the secret society to decide. In any case, a world-spanning ritual is planned for the maiden flight of the world machine before it actually heads for Alpha Centauri. Sirius 23 is a double star system, the journey there is initiated by a planetary ritual, which was also celebrated by the Lemurians when the world sank in the flood of wrath, only to shine in new splendor.