30.12.2017, 21:30

AU - Fundraiser - Sub is Dead - Long live Sub

Flyer für: AU - Fundraiser - Sub is Dead - Long live Sub
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MP Flapp (Afrodisia)
Paul Uhlmann (Hope X)
B.Ranks (BLVZE)
Scherlenbacher (FJU:)

Our friends at AU were so kind to hook us up with a date to hold a fundraising event for SUB.

Actually we can use every precious cent at the moment, as we are forced to stop our club-events in Storkgasse 7 and are hoping to find a new venue very soon.

SUB IS DEAD - LONG LIVE SUB signifies that we are killing our old sub in order to start a SUB 2.0 which will be powered by a strong community of friends, musicians and super unusual beings which has grown in the last months.

Our fire is already burning and it will be hard to put out these flames. SUB needs a place to keep running for all of you.

Doors: Free donation (all the money will go into future sub-projects, thank you!)