31.01.2020, 23:00

Black Market - NIHAD TULE (Sloboda / Random Island / Drumcode)

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Black Market invites

Nihad Tule
(Sloboda / Random Island / Drumcode)

local support

(Dead Sea Diaries / MEAT Recordings / < Grelle Forelle)

Inspired by feedback from unruly machines, randomized modulation and improvization, Nihad Tule's production style is often about stripping the music down to a few core elements and letting these carve out the track structure to it's natural conclusion. Seemingly simplistic at first, Nihad's music has a distinct sense of movement and immediacy, but with an underlying complexity that truly witness his dedication to the craft.
Formed around themes of reflective nostalgia, Nihad launched SLOBODA with the Shatter/Squalid 12” as label's premier release, developing his sound further. Moreover, a trail of releases found their home on a slew of other respected labels; Random Island, Skudge, Subwax, Stockholm LTD, Drumcode LTD, and others, released both under his own name and projects like Velež, Taken and NTTA11.
Behind the decks, Nihad Tule’s multifaceted selection, informed by years of crate digging, playing all night sets, and his unique ability to build suspense, has led him to become a returning figure at some of the world's finest techno clubs.

DOORS: 23:00

PRICE: €10 / €12 after midnight



start from 6AM w/

Fabian Hofer (ZUCKERWATT)
Oodo (LBMSK/Lichtbogen Musik)
Antrax aka. Type Theory (Wiener Abendschule / Black Market)

FREE with stamp from main time event!