Fanialive - ViT #Carnaval Amazónico! con *Kambó* & *Cosmovisión Rec*

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Vienna ist Tropical freut sich, seinen CARNAVAL AMAZÓNICO präsentieren zu können, welcher zusammen mit Kambó und Cosmovision Records eine Nacht voller Magie und Wärme verspricht, um direkt in den Amazonas-Dschungel zu reisen. Wir erwarten Dich, verpasse diese Tropen-reise nicht!
Line up:
Kambó Live
Kambó is a CumbiaFusionBand which was founded in 2018 in Vienna. The music style is an experimental mix with instruments like Kora (Afrika) Charango (Peru) united with Rap- and Ska-rythms.
With love from the streetjungle
El Extravagante ( Cosmovision Records)
¨El Extravagante¨ is one of these unique characters you find in South America, famous street poet/sommelier, panflute/synthesizer shaman, diplomatic of the Andes and Eastern cultures, guerrilla man of tropical rhytms facing the Canadian ice and snow, an immigrant in the ¨other side of the world¨ he’s a cumbia, downtempo and electropical rhythms local hero in Montréal.
After more than 10 years of career as @FelipeNadeau. In 2017 ¨El Extravagante¨ is born along his first EP under @selloregional which was called ¨Patiperro¨ (in the Chilean slang: the one who loves the street and traveling) and had amazing reception worldwide!. With presentations in Chile, France and Canada.
With formal studies in Tourism, Arts&Culture Management, today Felipe lives in Montréal where he is an artist, organizer and activist along with @CosmovisionRecords, spreading the love for the new forms of folklore and electronic music from LatinAmerica and the world.
Urucum (Cosmovision Records, Numa, Resueño)
LA MACHI ( Vienna ist Tropical)
Performance RETRIBUTION by Moenani
Visuals by Ironica Los Culos
Special Deko by La Washa
Make- up by Lena Girasol
Eintritt: 6€ < 22:30Uhr > 10 € inkl. ein gratis Bier, Weißer Spritzer oder Soft Drink
(Alle die verkleidet kommen erwartet ein Welcome-Tropical-Shot)
Nos vemos!!!
Artwork: Claudio el Cumbancheri
** Cosmovision Records ** is a new music label and collective created by a mix of immigrants from Latin America, Europe and locals from Canada, based in Montréal, working together in a collaborative and inter-dependent way through a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary artistic platform.
We believe in the value of different cultures and diverse ways of appreciating art and the Universe itself. This way we created Cosmovision Records, to spread art inspired in a folkloric root combined with a contemporary perspective linked to electronic music and a positive spiritual approach.
Listen to our first compilation " Elements of these Lands " :
Line up:
Kambó Live
Kambó is a CumbiaFusionBand which was founded in 2018 in Vienna. The music style is an experimental mix with instruments like Kora (Afrika) Charango (Peru) united with Rap- and Ska-rythms.
With love from the streetjungle
El Extravagante ( Cosmovision Records)
¨El Extravagante¨ is one of these unique characters you find in South America, famous street poet/sommelier, panflute/synthesizer shaman, diplomatic of the Andes and Eastern cultures, guerrilla man of tropical rhytms facing the Canadian ice and snow, an immigrant in the ¨other side of the world¨ he’s a cumbia, downtempo and electropical rhythms local hero in Montréal.
After more than 10 years of career as @FelipeNadeau. In 2017 ¨El Extravagante¨ is born along his first EP under @selloregional which was called ¨Patiperro¨ (in the Chilean slang: the one who loves the street and traveling) and had amazing reception worldwide!. With presentations in Chile, France and Canada.
With formal studies in Tourism, Arts&Culture Management, today Felipe lives in Montréal where he is an artist, organizer and activist along with @CosmovisionRecords, spreading the love for the new forms of folklore and electronic music from LatinAmerica and the world.
Urucum (Cosmovision Records, Numa, Resueño)
LA MACHI ( Vienna ist Tropical)
Performance RETRIBUTION by Moenani
Visuals by Ironica Los Culos
Special Deko by La Washa
Make- up by Lena Girasol
Eintritt: 6€ < 22:30Uhr > 10 € inkl. ein gratis Bier, Weißer Spritzer oder Soft Drink
(Alle die verkleidet kommen erwartet ein Welcome-Tropical-Shot)
Nos vemos!!!
Artwork: Claudio el Cumbancheri
** Cosmovision Records ** is a new music label and collective created by a mix of immigrants from Latin America, Europe and locals from Canada, based in Montréal, working together in a collaborative and inter-dependent way through a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary artistic platform.
We believe in the value of different cultures and diverse ways of appreciating art and the Universe itself. This way we created Cosmovision Records, to spread art inspired in a folkloric root combined with a contemporary perspective linked to electronic music and a positive spiritual approach.
Listen to our first compilation " Elements of these Lands " :