FLUCC - Connecting People - Tonnovelle X Maximilian Foit

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Tonnovelle (WHERE WE MET/BinarySound)
Maximilian Foit (Connecting People)
A community of like-minded people sharing a passion for music, art and everything else.
The world today has never been more connected and more disconnected at the same time.
We challenge the status quo and ask you to join us and GET CONNECTED: www.connectingpeople.today
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See you on the dancefloor!
Admission: 7€
Maximilian Foit (Connecting People)
A community of like-minded people sharing a passion for music, art and everything else.
The world today has never been more connected and more disconnected at the same time.
We challenge the status quo and ask you to join us and GET CONNECTED: www.connectingpeople.today
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See you on the dancefloor!
Admission: 7€