FLUCC - MOTOR CLUB #2 @ Fluc Cafe (quality & free party)

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CAURUS (czak rec.) 01:30 - 06:00
SLACK HIPPY (fm4 la boum de luxe) 22:00 - 01:30
Eintritt frei
Listen close. Fly far.
Expect transcendental music experience!
Czak Recordings:
since 1998 Music-Production & Composing
Czak Recordings zweiter Teil seiner neuen Veranstaltungsreihe MOTOR CLUB.
Caurus ist ein DJ & Producer aus Wien, beheimatet im Techno-Genre und entspringt aus dem Czak Recordings Umfeld, das 2004 gegründet wurde. Caurus war schon Gast als DJ in einigen Techno-Clubs in Wien wie z.B. Philip Quehenberger's EGAL, Tobi Binär's Elektroland oder Tobias Oliver's Superdisko. Sein Stil ist treibend-energetisch mit starker transzendentalen-kosmischer Stimmung. Caurus liebt es mit seiner Musik sein Publikum in einen tranceartigen Rauschzustand zu bringen, um in noch nicht gekannte Klangwelten zu verführen.
Born within the sound of Bow Bells (a real Londoner for the uninformed ; ) ) and raised in peaceful Cornwall. I Live in Vienna since 1991 and DJ (since 1990) under the name of Slack Hippy regularly in most of the top spots in and around Vienna and Austria. I am resident DJ for the Friday night Electronic Music Radio show La Boum De Luxe on FM4 and am Host and founder of the Monthly Breakbeat show "The Dogs Bollocks" on FM4. I have played all over Austria since 1991 and have built up a reputation as a technically fine skilled DJ with many musical surprises in my record box. I am always ready for a good party and have a good instinct for pleasing the music hungry crowds. Internationally I have also made a name for myself and am a regular guest in Poland(PROZAK,M25,METRO and many more) and Germany (ULTRASCHALL I&II,MUFFAT HALLE,BOGALOO,SUICIDE CLUB,TURBINE,TRESOR,LIQUID SKY,DAS BOOT,KISS FM BERLIN and many more) with DJ appearances also in Croatia,Slovenia, Bosnia&Herzogovinia, Czech Rep. ,Slovakia, Hungary (Sziget Festival 2006 plus many more events), Lithuania,Rumania,Belarus, Switzerland and Spain. Musically I am interested in nearly every form of music so long as it isnt trashy/commercial..I also have a deep love for old school D&B & Jungle , this is my roots and they will never go away.. No Bass No Fun
CAURUS (czak rec.) 01:30 - 06:00
SLACK HIPPY (fm4 la boum de luxe) 22:00 - 01:30
Eintritt frei
Listen close. Fly far.
Expect transcendental music experience!
Czak Recordings:
since 1998 Music-Production & Composing
Czak Recordings zweiter Teil seiner neuen Veranstaltungsreihe MOTOR CLUB.
Caurus ist ein DJ & Producer aus Wien, beheimatet im Techno-Genre und entspringt aus dem Czak Recordings Umfeld, das 2004 gegründet wurde. Caurus war schon Gast als DJ in einigen Techno-Clubs in Wien wie z.B. Philip Quehenberger's EGAL, Tobi Binär's Elektroland oder Tobias Oliver's Superdisko. Sein Stil ist treibend-energetisch mit starker transzendentalen-kosmischer Stimmung. Caurus liebt es mit seiner Musik sein Publikum in einen tranceartigen Rauschzustand zu bringen, um in noch nicht gekannte Klangwelten zu verführen.
Born within the sound of Bow Bells (a real Londoner for the uninformed ; ) ) and raised in peaceful Cornwall. I Live in Vienna since 1991 and DJ (since 1990) under the name of Slack Hippy regularly in most of the top spots in and around Vienna and Austria. I am resident DJ for the Friday night Electronic Music Radio show La Boum De Luxe on FM4 and am Host and founder of the Monthly Breakbeat show "The Dogs Bollocks" on FM4. I have played all over Austria since 1991 and have built up a reputation as a technically fine skilled DJ with many musical surprises in my record box. I am always ready for a good party and have a good instinct for pleasing the music hungry crowds. Internationally I have also made a name for myself and am a regular guest in Poland(PROZAK,M25,METRO and many more) and Germany (ULTRASCHALL I&II,MUFFAT HALLE,BOGALOO,SUICIDE CLUB,TURBINE,TRESOR,LIQUID SKY,DAS BOOT,KISS FM BERLIN and many more) with DJ appearances also in Croatia,Slovenia, Bosnia&Herzogovinia, Czech Rep. ,Slovakia, Hungary (Sziget Festival 2006 plus many more events), Lithuania,Rumania,Belarus, Switzerland and Spain. Musically I am interested in nearly every form of music so long as it isnt trashy/commercial..I also have a deep love for old school D&B & Jungle , this is my roots and they will never go away.. No Bass No Fun