FLUCC - Im Freudentaumel mit dem Vollmond

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Im Freudentaumel mit dem Vollmond
"When you see the settling, wait for the rising. Why worry about a sunset or a fading moon?
Let the water settle and you will see the moon and stars mirrored in your own being.
The moon is inside every human being.
Learn to be companions with it."
- Rumi
Wir laden ein im Tanz der Wellen mitzuspielen
Line Up a-z
Benno Wohl
MataHari (Journey to Tarab)
Mex (Heimlich)
Nafaka & Lipo (UnlockMe)
Nya Nara (Padang Records)
Robinson Schmuso (Magika)
Artwork: Ece Günkut
Bis 23:00 freier Eintritt
Bis 0:00 5€
Ab 0:00 10 €
"When you see the settling, wait for the rising. Why worry about a sunset or a fading moon?
Let the water settle and you will see the moon and stars mirrored in your own being.
The moon is inside every human being.
Learn to be companions with it."
- Rumi
Wir laden ein im Tanz der Wellen mitzuspielen
Line Up a-z
Benno Wohl
MataHari (Journey to Tarab)
Mex (Heimlich)
Nafaka & Lipo (UnlockMe)
Nya Nara (Padang Records)
Robinson Schmuso (Magika)
Artwork: Ece Günkut
Bis 23:00 freier Eintritt
Bis 0:00 5€
Ab 0:00 10 €