FLUCC - Tricky 23! Summer Special

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TRICKY! celebrates the summer with you
The monthly Underground Event continues into the summer. Join us on June 23 and July 23 at the First TRICKY Freeparty! on Saturday
Come and join the underground experience from House to Tech and psychedelic electronic Dance music that makes you move!
TRICKY! startet in den Sommer mit einem summer special für euch:
Am 23.6 regulär am Donnerstag
und 23.7 FREEPARTY am SAMSTAG @ Fluc Wanne
Underground House Beats from deep 2 Tech und psychedelic Dance Music die euch wie gewohnt ins Schwitzen bringt.
Live Visuals
Spectravision 37 [ Pleasure from Electronic Toy ]
The monthly Underground Event continues into the summer. Join us on June 23 and July 23 at the First TRICKY Freeparty! on Saturday
Come and join the underground experience from House to Tech and psychedelic electronic Dance music that makes you move!
TRICKY! startet in den Sommer mit einem summer special für euch:
Am 23.6 regulär am Donnerstag
und 23.7 FREEPARTY am SAMSTAG @ Fluc Wanne
Underground House Beats from deep 2 Tech und psychedelic Dance Music die euch wie gewohnt ins Schwitzen bringt.
Live Visuals
Spectravision 37 [ Pleasure from Electronic Toy ]