08.03.2025, 23:00

FLUCC - Universo Diverso* FLINTA*s ONLY

Universo Diverso*
is a FLINTA*s ONLY event, providing a safe(r) space.

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« hard facts »
08.03.25 - 11pm
Praterstern 5, 1020 Wien
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« about the event »

FLINTA*s stands for Female, Lesbian, Inter*, Non-binary, Trans, Agender and * everyone in between - Everyone who identifies as FLINTA*s is welcome.

We aim to provide a space
- to celebrate diversity, both within us and around us.
- where all FLINTA*s can claim their space.
- to share ideas or experiences.
- to connect.
come as you are, celebrate yourself as you are, love yourself as you are and others!


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« LineUp and Performances »

23:00-0:40: flauxpas

El Maricón

Miki Moskito

A Punky Wrestling

0:40-2:20: zey

2:20-4:00: Rakita

4:00- end: Who I why b2b Vegan Chicken
@who.i.why @iridedolphin

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« entrance »
Soli ticket: 10€
normal: 15€
Supporter: 20€
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Ein Poster mit einem weichen Farbverlauf in Gelb und Hellblau. In der Mitte ist eine kreisförmige, nach außen gezackte Silhouette zu sehen. Darin steht in großen schwarzen Buchstaben “Awareness Policy”.

This awareness policy applies to all Universo Diverso* events and social media.
Universo Diverso* is a safe(r) space. We use the term “safe(r) space” because although we take every precaution and try to create an environment free of harassment, discrimination and violence, we cannot eliminate the possibility that incidents will occur.

Harassment and violence does not begin with physical violence!
Verbal hostility, disapproval of a person’s lifestyle or low appreciation is also an act of harassment and violence. Discrimination is also an act of violence and can occur in a variety of forms.

Please be aware that any form of discrimination, harassment or violence against participants will not be tolerated regarding: ability, age, body and physical appearance, class, ethnicity, gender identity, language, mental illness, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation!

The safety of marginalized groups is our main priority!
Systemic discrimination like ableism, antisemitism, islamophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia and others are the result of structural hierarchies and cannot be reversed!
We reserve the right not to deal with “reverse” -ism incidents, such as “reverse racism”, “cisphobia” or “reverse sexism”.

We will not ask anybody at the door to reveal their gender identity or to answer personal or intimate questions. So please respect that Universo Diverso* is a FLINTA*s ONLY event.

We would like to point out that it is not the task of you as a participant to ask people you deem male-passing about their identity and to question them! Please respect the heterogeneity of the attendees, their appearance and their identity!

If you feel uncomfortable, please contact our awareness team but please first reflect on your assumptions of what a FLINTA* space looks like to you and what a FLINTA* space actually looks like or if you are feeling uncomfortable because of the actions of another person or because their appearance.


If you experience harassment, violence or discrimination or notice someone else is experiencing this, please contact our Awareness Team or our staff.

If you experience harassment, violence or discrimination by a member of our team, please inform another team member who will deal with your incident. The person who carried out the incident will recuse themselves from the team and further consequences will be applied.

Please be aware that any form of harassment, violence or discrimination will result in sanctions or exclusion from our event.

The awareness team will be clearly identifiable and we will communicate how and where to find them before the event.