13.02.2016, 23:00

GRELLE FORELLE - Fantastic 5

Flyer für: GRELLE FORELLE - Fantastic 5
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FANTASTIC 5 || Stadtpark || Do Easy || AT


Every once in a blue moon, the quintet of Markus Lindner, Johannes Lampert, Andy Catana, Ilyas Heckmann, and Dario Loerke come together for a battle royale known as “The Fantastic Five”. Seeing as how Ilyas and Dario left Vienna quite some time ago to pursue their studies, getting the gang together for a reunion is no easy feat. Get ready to witness the synergy of Stadtpark and Do Easy’s finest...


ANDY CATANA || Do Easy || AT
DARIO LOERKE || Stadtpark || AT
ILYAS HECKMANN || Stadtpark || AT
LAMPERT || Stadtpark || AT
MARKUS LINDNER || Stadtpark || AT


Kitchen hosted by Salto Capitale


MARIE || Salto Capitale || AT
ERDBALL || Salto Capitale || AT
NOEL D. || Zeit Aufnahme || AT

Admission: 5€ ALL NIGHT LONG

more info: http://www.grelleforelle.com/program


Layout and illustration by Benjamin Menedetter
