12.09.2020, 20:00

RHIZ - Basstrace 048 - Sub FM Radiosession

Basstrace is keen to invite you once again to celebrate together in a safe environment.

We are going to broadcast our SUB FM radioshow from the venue backed with two viennese bass connoisseurs, our jack-of-all-trades DubApe and BLVZE' finest B.Ranks.

Shoutout to Rhiz Vienna for letting us represent them for one night of the #GuertelNightWEEK, which is a yearly highlight in Vienna since 1998. Taking place every late summer, they are providing a versatile musical and cultural program all around the "Gürtel" in their adjacent venues.


// Note

Indoor admission strictly pre-sale only
60 named tickets available at our ticket shop
List of names to be shared with venue
Keep distance from non-significant others
Bring a mask or buy one from us
Act wise at all times


// Lineup

Encrypted Audio, Boka Records

B. Ranks

Basstrace Clan Residents


// Facts

DATE: Sat, 12.09.20
TIME: 20:00 - 01:00
PLACE: Rhiz Vienna, U-Bahnbogen 37, 1080 Vienna
COST: EUR 5 (incl. fee)


// Links
