SASS - I Blanko I x Vienna

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DO I 06.04.17 I 22:59 UHR I SASS Music Club
Looking forward to a very special night.
Rick Layer
Max Schell
& Friends
Come get some
and like Blanko I Agency.
Don´t hate the player,
hate the game.
Join the event to confirm guestlist and get a free hug at the wardrobe.
Join the event +1 II 2€
Students II 2€ (Valid ID)
Regular Fee II 10€
LIST CLOSES Thursday 21:00
is a talent agency spezialised in electronic music and home of Vienna based artists.
DO I 06.04.17 I 22:59 UHR I SASS Music Club
Looking forward to a very special night.
Rick Layer
Max Schell
& Friends
Come get some
and like Blanko I Agency.
Don´t hate the player,
hate the game.
Join the event to confirm guestlist and get a free hug at the wardrobe.
Join the event +1 II 2€
Students II 2€ (Valid ID)
Regular Fee II 10€
LIST CLOSES Thursday 21:00
is a talent agency spezialised in electronic music and home of Vienna based artists.