SASS - Is your DNA enough

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Good day Fellow Dance Lovers,
Calling out all my peeps with a music fetisch like me who's genetical modification on the dance floor comes to peace.
Hereby I invite you to the next DNA Deluxe Sass Soiree, not to sound too arrogant. As well as I you must admit our degenerative native party ways are calling. Lets celebrate them in full accompaniment and embarrassment is much allowed and will lead to a perfect evening we at DNA Deluxe long to share with you.
Have you understood our Message? To all who are on board with the rhetoric question: "Is your DNA Enough?" lets drop this upcoming best seller together.
Moreover, Lets dance away our genetical brilliance and keep the one question in mind.
Is your DNA enough?
Line up:
Alk Torres
Sonja Nara (Hamsterrad)
Calling out all my peeps with a music fetisch like me who's genetical modification on the dance floor comes to peace.
Hereby I invite you to the next DNA Deluxe Sass Soiree, not to sound too arrogant. As well as I you must admit our degenerative native party ways are calling. Lets celebrate them in full accompaniment and embarrassment is much allowed and will lead to a perfect evening we at DNA Deluxe long to share with you.
Have you understood our Message? To all who are on board with the rhetoric question: "Is your DNA Enough?" lets drop this upcoming best seller together.
Moreover, Lets dance away our genetical brilliance and keep the one question in mind.
Is your DNA enough?
Line up:
Alk Torres
Sonja Nara (Hamsterrad)