SASS - SG & Essential mit Christian Burkhardt (cocoon /de)

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Salon Gold & ESSENTIAL präsentieren:
Christian Burkhardt (cocoon recordings, area remote, oslo recordings /frankfurt)
support by:
DEF MIke (moodmusic records, essential)
Lux Lutious (poolside beatz)
Seit Oktober 2009 veranstaltet ESSENTIAL in regelmäßigen
Abständen mit großem Erfolg seine Parties im SASS Music Club. Dabei konzentrierte man sich stets um die Förderung von nationalen und internationalen Newcomern, gemischt mit etablierten Größen der elektronischen Musikszene. Bei diesen ausgelassen Partynächten feierten einige bekannte DJs ihre Wien Premiere wie bspw. UNER, PIRUPA, DELANO SMITH, GRAMOPHONDZIE, MARK REEVE, AKI BERGEN etc. und auch 2016 war man mit großen Namen wie SOLEE, EINMUSIK, SASSE, D-NOX, TIGERSKIN oder zuletzt DJ.T im Keller unter Sternen erfolgreich vertreten.
Bio Christian Burkhardt:
Christian Burkhardt is an artist truly absorbed with the range of sonic possibilities. A producer not content with existing within the realms of House and Techno, but one that is determined to further stretch its limits with his signature sound.
His earliest productions found there way onto Oslo, Raum...Musik, Deep Vibes and Area Remote. All regarded as contemporary go-to labels for quality House music. In 1998, ‚Doubledub‘ surged through the speakers of main floor events and fueled after hours across Europe and beyond.
Productionwise he has been consistent ever since his debut release, the ‘Monsterbaze’ EP with Steve Bug, which was released on Poker Flat in 2000. Since then, T. has released several well-received EPs, a slew of remixes and three albums. In 2013 he celebrated 25 years of DJing with a very personal mix compilation, followed also by ‘Body Language 15’ and a collaboration with Defected and Strictly Rhythm to celebrate the latter’s 25th anniversary.
His masterful use of technology meshed with the warm sounds of analog gear and over 13 years of music production experi- ence, have tinged his production with a unique sound that other produ- cers praise and DJ‘s never seem to stop playing. His long list of remixes for Tsuba Records, Mobilee and Deep Vibes were still ringing in club lands ears, as a new batch of original material on Oslo, Raum...Musik and Cocoon were given the stamp of approval 2011, with constant rotation in clubs, radio and podcasts. His success is measured only in the pleasure that he finds in making music.
Eintritt: 10,-- Euro
23:00 - 5:00
Christian Burkhardt (cocoon recordings, area remote, oslo recordings /frankfurt)
support by:
DEF MIke (moodmusic records, essential)
Lux Lutious (poolside beatz)
Seit Oktober 2009 veranstaltet ESSENTIAL in regelmäßigen
Abständen mit großem Erfolg seine Parties im SASS Music Club. Dabei konzentrierte man sich stets um die Förderung von nationalen und internationalen Newcomern, gemischt mit etablierten Größen der elektronischen Musikszene. Bei diesen ausgelassen Partynächten feierten einige bekannte DJs ihre Wien Premiere wie bspw. UNER, PIRUPA, DELANO SMITH, GRAMOPHONDZIE, MARK REEVE, AKI BERGEN etc. und auch 2016 war man mit großen Namen wie SOLEE, EINMUSIK, SASSE, D-NOX, TIGERSKIN oder zuletzt DJ.T im Keller unter Sternen erfolgreich vertreten.
Bio Christian Burkhardt:
Christian Burkhardt is an artist truly absorbed with the range of sonic possibilities. A producer not content with existing within the realms of House and Techno, but one that is determined to further stretch its limits with his signature sound.
His earliest productions found there way onto Oslo, Raum...Musik, Deep Vibes and Area Remote. All regarded as contemporary go-to labels for quality House music. In 1998, ‚Doubledub‘ surged through the speakers of main floor events and fueled after hours across Europe and beyond.
Productionwise he has been consistent ever since his debut release, the ‘Monsterbaze’ EP with Steve Bug, which was released on Poker Flat in 2000. Since then, T. has released several well-received EPs, a slew of remixes and three albums. In 2013 he celebrated 25 years of DJing with a very personal mix compilation, followed also by ‘Body Language 15’ and a collaboration with Defected and Strictly Rhythm to celebrate the latter’s 25th anniversary.
His masterful use of technology meshed with the warm sounds of analog gear and over 13 years of music production experi- ence, have tinged his production with a unique sound that other produ- cers praise and DJ‘s never seem to stop playing. His long list of remixes for Tsuba Records, Mobilee and Deep Vibes were still ringing in club lands ears, as a new batch of original material on Oslo, Raum...Musik and Cocoon were given the stamp of approval 2011, with constant rotation in clubs, radio and podcasts. His success is measured only in the pleasure that he finds in making music.
Eintritt: 10,-- Euro
23:00 - 5:00