03.02.2023, 22:00

THE LOFT - Serotonin Session 003 //by Schall&Schabernack

Gästeliste Verlosung

Die Verlosung ist beendet.
dear dancers

brace your brain chemistry
for this very special session
for our first journey of the year
we’ll travel with you
to a happy place
trancy, fancy, trashy
blissfully embraced
by energetic sounds
uplifting your mood
forcing you
to dance
lose in motions
in serotonin

won’t let you leave without a smile
mesmerised and charmed for a while

see you soon
with love
Schall & Schabernack
03.02.- The Loft
No Presale - only AK: 10€

more info: https://www.instagram.com/schall.schabernack/